Tuesday 4 September 2012

Upper Body Superset Workout

Hey everyone,

For this upper body workout, we decided to use supersets.  This is a great way to fit in a chalenging workout, while cutting back on the amount of time it takes to complete it.  Performing exercises back-to-back also increases the intensity, which helps you focus on conditioning and fat-loss as well.

For this workout, we chose nine different bodyweight exercises and grouped them into sets of three.  The three exercises were completed consecutively (i.e. as a superset), followed by a short rest, and then repeated 2-3 more times for a total of 3-4 sets of each superset.

Here is what we did:

Superset A
  1. Wide-grip pullups
  2. Jungle Gym pushups
  3. Jungle Gym flys

Superset B
  1. Underhand chinups
  2. Jungle Gym reverse pushups
  3. Jungle Gym face pulls

Superset C
  1. Handstand pushups
  2. Parallel grip pullups
  3. Explosive planks

We purposely grouped together back and chest exercises to really fatigue the muscles.  This definitely worked, as we were progressively challenged as the exercises and sets continued. Give this workout a try and let us know what you think!

-Tannys & Alex

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