Sunday 6 October 2013

New Workout Program: The 10,000 Swing Kettlebell Workout

Hey everyone,

Recently, we came across a really intriguing workout program, called the 10,000 swing kettlebell workout (  It was featured on the Strongfirst website and seemed like it would be challenging and effective.

One line at the outset of the article really caught our eye, "Every person who has completed this 20 workout plan has increased lean muscle mass while dropping body fat."  The thing that solidified our decision to try it was seeing that the author was Dan John.  He's a bit of a legend in the strength and conditioning world.  We figured, what did we have to lose if we tried it out for a month?  It seemed that we had a lot to potentially gain...

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Take Your Workout Outdoors!

Hey everyone,

To take advantage of the beautiful fall weather this past weekend, we did our workouts outdoors (in our backyard).  There was lots of shade and a refreshing breeze, making the workouts quite enjoyable.  For those of us who work indoors, it's important to find opportunities to get some fresh air and natural vitamin D.  The next time you're planning your workout, consider whether you can do a portion or even all of it outside.