In today's 'knowledge economy', a large number of us work in office jobs where we spend most of the day sitting, inactive. Numerous studies are showing how detrimental this is to our health, as it promotes weight gain, muscle loss and even reduces our lifespan. If this is your daily reality, then you need to fight back and find some time for exercise in your day. We've designed a very simple and efficient workout with you in mind.

This is a ladder workout, which uses two great exercises and a series of ascending, then descending reps. It minimizes rest, so that you finish sooner and experience a metabolic boost. The two exercises were selected to activate the largest muscles in your body, as well as to counteract the sitting posture that you endure daily (by targeting your posterior chain). Best of all, this workout only requires one kettlebell (or dumbbell) and minimal space. It is also scaleable, so even if you have very little time, you should be able to fit this into your day.
To recap the video demonstration, you perform 1 rep of a kettlebell swing, then 1 rep of an alternating kettlebell deadlift. Then, you perform 2 reps of the kettlebell swing, and then 2 reps of the deadlift. You continue increasing until you reach the peak (you can arbitrarily pick a challenging number of reps or else go by feel). At that point, you start counting downwards, performing a decreasing number of reps until you get back to 1 rep and finish the workout.
Give this workout a try - it's a blast and will build serious strength and help you become leaner. It will also counteract all that sitting! Let us know what you think.
- Tannys & Alex
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