Saturday 16 June 2012

Upper Body Workout - Getting Stronger!

Hey everyone,

Since it is the weekend and we have more time for our workouts, we decided to do an upper body strength workout.  We decided to use a couplet format (two exercises super-setted together), but had longer rest periods in between sets to allow for our strength levels to recover.  We also tried to pick challenging exercises where we'd be lifting heavier weights and targeting multiple-muscle groups with each exercise.  In short, we focused on getting stronger.

For our upper body strength workout, we completed 3 sets of each couplet.  Here's what we did:

Parallel-grip Pullups... (Tannys - bodyweight; Alex - 106lbs)

... with Bench Press (Tannys - 115, 125, 135lbs; Alex - 315, 345, 345lbs) - second 345lbs set shown here

For the second couplet, we did Kettlebell One-arm Rows... (Tannys - 16kg; Alex - 106lbs)

... with Kettlebell One-arm Presses (Tannys - 16kg; Alex - 32kg)

For our 3rd and final couplet, we did Wide-grip Pullups... (Tannys - band-assisted; Alex - bodyweight)

... with Dips (Tannys - band-assisted; Alex - bodyweight)

What a great workout!  It took a lot longer than our weekday workouts, but that was fine for a Saturday afternoon.  It was nice to challenge ourselves with some heavy weights - it's also nice to see ourselves slowly getting stronger over time!

- Tannys & Alex

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