Thursday 21 June 2012

A Second Full-Body Density Workout!

Hey everyone,

After Tuesday's full-body density workout, we decided to try another one on Wednesday.  We did switch up the exercises, to target our muscles differently.

Here's a demonstration video of the exercises we did in our density workout:

To recap, here are the 10 exercises that we performed in this workout (below).  As a reminder, a density workout is composed of 5-minute sets, where you alternate between the two exercises.  Then, you have a 2-minute rest before starting the next set of two exercises.  As such, with 5 sets, the workout takes 33 minutes to finish.

  • Alternating kettlebell deadlifts
  • Jungle Gym reverse pushups

  • Low kettlebell goblet squats (trying to go below parallel on these)
  • Dips

  • Jungle Gym hamstring bicycles
  • Kettlebell swings

  • Double kettlebell bench step-ups
  • Underhand chinups

  • Jungle Gym one-leg burpees
  • Close-grip pushups
This was definitely a taxing workout.  In retrospect, we would recommend not doing these back-to-back; ideally you would take at least one rest day in between these full-body density workouts.  The reason for this is that these density workouts, with 10 exercises, really target all muscle groups.  Even with switching up the exercises, we still felt that our muscles were recovering from the previous workout.

For back-to-back full-body workouts, a more selective/targeted workout would be ideal.  For example you could train for a mix of muscles like quads, chest, shoulders and triceps on one day, then focus on glutes, hamstrings, and back muscles the next day.  That would likely work better, as it would minimize the overlap between workouts.

Regardless, we continue to recommend density training.  It is very high intensity and very efficient.  With the intensity, minimal rest, and amount of muscles worked, we think it really stokes our metabolism and helps with conditioning.  We'll continue to use this format in our training, albeit with sufficient rest days in between!

- Tannys & Alex

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