Saturday 25 May 2013

Full Body Travel Workout

Hey everyone,

Over the Victoria Day Long Weekend, we planned a shopping trip to Montreal.  We try to do this about once a year, to celebrate Alex's birthday and our anniversary.  The shopping is amazing there and we always come home with more items than we planned...

Of course we ensure we stay in a hotel that will allow us to complete our workouts.  This is a great opportunity to try some different equipment that we don't have access to at our home gym. 

Tannys completed a full body workout, in a similar style to what she has recently been doing (Strong Curves-style), but modified the exercises to fit with the equipment she had access to.

She chose to complete two different supersets, each including both a lower and upper body exercise.  She then focused on her glutes and abdominals.  Below is what she did, including brief video demonstrations of each exercise.

Superset A - Shoulder Elevated Hip Thrusts & Pushups

Superset B - Pullups and Dumbbell Step-back Lunges (holding 2x 30 lbs)


Sleeping crabs

This was another great workout, that could essentially be completed in any hotel gym.  Always try to plan ahead when travelling to ensure you can keep up with your exercise routine!

-Tannys & Alex

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