Wednesday 14 March 2012

Walking with Bu

As warmer weather arrives and flowers start to bloom, people (and their dogs!) start venturing outside again.  This is the perfect time to re-incorporate outdoor activities into your daily routine.  One simple way to get some fresh air, while improving your health, is to walk!   

We were recently reminded how enjoyable this simple task is over the past weekend.  Over the past several months, we had been contemplating adopting a dog and finally over this past weekend, we were able to adopt a wonderful dog (Bushido - or 'Bu' for short) from a local rescue shelter.  Anyone who owns a dog knows how important it is to get outside and exercise them, so we planned to walk Bu three times a day.  Even though early mornings can be painful to wake up and get going, adding this to your day is great for your overall health and really gets you going in the morning.  

Unfortunately, our dog adoption did not work out, in that the dog we so carefully selected had severe anxiety issues that were not identified prior to our adoption.  He required much more care than we were capable of providing, given that we both work full-time, and we sadly had to return him to the shelter.  Although we only had him for a very short time, this was extremely difficult for us, as Bu was truly a wonderful dog in every other sense.

Despite the fact that we no longer have an obligation to get out and walk everyday, we realized how enjoyable this simple act is (with or without a pet) and plan to keep on with this activity. Try to set goals for yourself, whether it be a walk a day or a certain number of walks per week.  You can also challenge yourself by using a pedometer and try to continually increase your number of steps. As bathing suit season looms, walking is the perfect addition to your usual exercise routine to get you fit and ready for summer!

- Tannys & Alex

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