Sunday 13 April 2014

Pregnancy Workout J - Weeks 28-31 (Last Pregnancy Workout)

Hey everyone,

It has been awhile since we last posted (our apologies!!), but we have been very busy the past month with a move into our new house.  While this did make it difficult to be consistent with our workouts, we did manage a few each week.  We had to be creative, given our lack of gym equipment, and did more bodyweight and kettlebell exercises.

Unfortunately, at the advice of my OB/Gyn, my days of exercising will have to be put on hold for now...  While I will miss my workouts, it is very important to follow the advice of your healthcare provider and do what is best for your pregnancy.  I hope to still do some light exercise such as walking, yoga and stretching for now...

I will post the workout that I was doing between weeks 28-31.  This was a FGB workout that consisted of 5 full-body exercises.  As a reminder, this type of workout consists of 5 different exercises, completed consecutively for 1 minute each.  This is followed by a 2 minute rest.  Repeat 4 times for a total of 5 sets. Unfortunately, we never had a chance to video it for you - but here it is:

Full-Body FGB
  1. Kettlebell swings
  2. Kettlebell clean and presses
  3. Jumping lunges/step-back lunges (I would do 10-20 seconds of jumping lunges and then finish off the minute with step-back)
  4. Kettlebell one-arm rows
  5. Alternating kettlebell deadlifts
This was a great cardio and strength workout that really got me working.  Feel free to modify as you need with either alternative exercises or fewer reps.  As always, follow your healthcare providers advice on whether or not it is safe for you to exercise during pregnancy

This will be the last of my pregnancy workouts series.  For many women, you will be able to continue to exercise further into your pregnancy.  As you find exercise getting more difficult, try to incorporate more walking, yoga and swimming. 

Feel free to send any questions you have our way and stay tuned for more posts in the future!

-Tannys & Alex

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