Wednesday 23 January 2013

Training to be Swimsuit-Ready!

Hey everyone,

We feel like we are finally getting back into the swing of things with our fitness (post-holidays)!  We are going to ramp up our training over the next several weeks, as we look forward to a trip to Turks & Caicos.  Nothing is more motivational than the thought of wearing a bathing suit (and potentially having photos taken)...

For this workout, we chose four different exercises and completed them in two ladders.  Alternate between each pair of exercises and complete 10 reps, followed by 9 reps, followed by 8 reps, etc.  Try to minimize rest during the ladder, but take a sufficient rest period before moving into Part 2.

Here is what we did:

Part 1
  • Kettlebell swings
  • Kettlebell goblet squats

Part 2
  • Kettlebell deadlifts - for these, it looks like Tannys is completing an extra rep as she starts counting her reps from a standing position (Alex pointed this out after we completed the workout - it seems that Tannys has always been doing an extra rep on each set of deadlifts!).
  • Kettlebell step-back lunges (holding kettlebell goblet-style) - one rep = one lunge on each leg

This was another killer workout that left our legs shaking by the end!  You can adapt this workout to make it more or less difficult by tailoring the number and duration of your breaks.  Give it a try and let us know what you think!

-Tannys & Alex

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