Friday 7 December 2012

Traditional Lower Body Workout

Hey everyone,

Having recently tried a 'traditional' upper body workout, we decided to revisit this format for a lower body workout.  In this type of workout, you pick your exercises and move through them one at a time, doing your sets and taking ample rest in between.  These types of workouts are best suited for when you have plenty of time, since they seem to take about an hour, on average (depending on how many exercises and sets you do).

For this lower body workout, we picked four exercises and did three sets of each.  We started out with medium-weight kettlebell swings (Tannys did 16kg, Alex did 32kg).  Then we did kettlebell deadlifts (Tannys did 32kg, Alex did 48kg).  Then we moved onto heavy kettlebell swings (Tannys did 24kg, Alex did 48kg).  Then we did goblet squats (Tannys did 12kg, Alex did 24kg).  To finish the workout, we did a bonus set of double kettlebell step-back lunges.

32kg Swings

48kg Deadlifts

Finisher: Double kettlebell (24kg) step-back lunges

As with the previous 'traditional' workout we had tried recently, this was a fun workout.  It did take longer than most of our workouts, however, based on the rest periods in between sets.  When you do each set, you will be really fresh and should be able to push for a good number of reps (and/or move heavy weight).  Whenever you have plenty of time and want a fun, more leisurely workout, give a 'traditional' workout a try!

- Tannys & Alex

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