Thursday 9 February 2012

One-A-Day: Pushups

Hey everyone,

For our fourth One-A-Day workout, we focused on pushups.  We initially struggled in choosing an exercise that would target our chest, shoulders and triceps.  In the end, we selected pushups, as they are a foundational exercise, very effective, and versatile.

For our pushups, we developed a sequence to move from harder variations to easier ones (to accommodate fatigue).  With the exception of the first variation, we completed three sets each.  The first was a 'max-reps' test, performed while fresh.  Here's what we did:

  1. Standard pushup; max-reps test, single set
  2. Handstand pushups - 3 sets
  3. Decline pushups (feet raised on bench) - 3 sets
  4. Spiderman pushups - 3 sets
  5. Plyometric pushups - 3 sets
  6. Close-grip pushups - 3 sets

Overall,  we completed 16 sets of pushups in this workout.  This was definitely sufficient volume, as the pushups became more and more challenging throughout the workout.  By the end, we were continually reaching muscular failure (which surprised us a bit, as we had underestimated how challenging the workout would be). 

Pushups are a great exercise that almost anyone can incorporate into their day/workout, without requiring any equipment or even much space.  We're happy that we selected them as one of our 6 'One-A-Day' exercises!

- Alex & Tannys

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