Sunday 15 January 2012

Checking in halfway - our progress!

Hey everyone,

We thought we should give a quick update on how our new workout and nutrition strategy is going, as it is already mid-January!  We have spent the first two weeks repeating three different workouts (see previous post for details). We have been focused on improving both our strength and form, with fewer exercises but more sets. We have definitely noted good gains in the program thus far!

In Workout A1, we have steadily increased our reps of double kettlebell front squats each workout. Our form has also improved, including increased depth in each front squat.  We have made some adjustments to help with failing grip strength for our back-to-back reverse push-ups and double kettlebell stair carries. The first time we did these exercises together, we found the limiting factor was grip strength, which prevented us from working to our full potential/capacity. We have incorporated  lifting straps for the stair carries, which has increased the number of reps we achieve on both exercises. Workout A1 is the toughest workout, but we feel we are making solid improvements each session, which makes it worth the struggle!

Example of a lifting strap

Workout B1 includes kettlebell snatches, pullups (weighted for Alex), and straight-leg deadlifts.  Workout C1 includes bench press, kettlebell Bulgarian split squats, and kettlebell swings.  For each of these workouts, we have improved our strength.  For example, in these last two weeks, Alex increased his max bench from two reps at 345 pounds, up to four reps.  Tannys has also increased to five (bodyweight) full-hang pullups.

We have found that the combination of three strength exercises (one of which includes metabolic conditioning) sufficiently challenges us over the five sets, while letting us push our limits in each set.  On our rest days, we have incorporated some at-home yoga or gentle stretching. This has helped relax us and relieve muscle tension from the workouts.

We have also enjoyed our nutrition challenge over the past week.  In this challenge, we consumed protein shakes as our evening meal (i.e. only liquid calories after 4pm to prevent snacking). We are going to continue this for the next week too, as it has been helpful for our body composition.  However, we will be more flexible in substituting the protein shakes for any daily meal (i.e. not just dinner).  As it is important to not overly restrict yourself, we did have a "cheat" day yesterday, where we enjoyed a lovely dinner at Town restaurant.  It was a fantastic meal, perhaps made even better by the relative deprivation of previous dinners!

- Tannys & Alex

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