Tuesday 24 April 2012

Two custom-designed workouts

Hey everyone,

As in the previous post talking about our four new workout foundations, we have applied them to create two awesome workouts thus far.

The first workout focused on 'back' exercises, including pullups, one-arm rows and reverse pushups.  The great thing about having the workout 'foundation' is that we could apply it to any workout style or approach that suited our goals, time and physical capacity that day.  As we did this workout on the weekend, we had a bit more time to play with and thus focused more on strength (taking advantage of longer rest periods in between sets).  This workout was comprised of sets of 2:

  1. Parallel grip pullups (Tannys - bodyweight, Alex - 40kg)
  2. Wide grip pullups (Tannys - light band assistance, Alex - 24kg)
  3. Chinups (Tannys - medium band assistance, Alex - 24kg)
  4. Reverse pushups (Tannys - feet elevated, Alex - 45lbs)
  5. Reverse pushups (Tannys - bridge position, Alex - bodyweight)
  6. One-arm kettlebell rows (Tannys - 16kg, Alex - 40kg)
  7. Incline bench supported double kettlebell rows (Tannys - 12kg, Alex - 24kg)
Demonstration - parallel grip pullups with 40kg kettlebell

Demonstration - parallel grip pullups (bodyweight)

Demonstration - Incline bench supported double kettlebell rows

For the second workout, we focused on chest and shoulders.  This workout was in the evening (after work) and we were more limited in time.  Thus, we performed a simple routine of four exercises, with 3 sets each.  The workout foundation included snatches, flat/incline presses, and overhead presses.

Here's what we did:

  1. Kettlebell snatches (Tannys - 12kg, Alex - 24kg)
  2. Bench press (Tannys - 95, 115, 135lbs, Alex - 315lbs)
  3. Incline press (Tannys - 95lbs, Alex - 225lbs)
  4. Double kettlebell standing press (Tannys - 12kg, Alex - 24kg)
Demonstration - Double kettlebell standing press, with assist (from legs)

Demonstration - Double kettlebell standing press

These workouts, using the four workout foundations, have been really good so far.  We're excited to try out the two leg days, which should be really challenging.  Stay tuned to hear how we design and perform on those workouts!

- Tannys & Alex

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