Saturday 7 April 2012

Hybrid Workout

Hey everyone,

For today's lower body workout, we decided to combine strength and conditioning components.  Our last few workouts have been density-style or FGB (due to time constraints), so we wanted to focus on heavy lifts and building strength, without neglecting our conditioning.

To do this, we completed heavy lifts, followed by Tabata-style conditioning.  We chose three foundational leg exercises and did three sets of each, followed by a similar 4-minute Tabata.  Here is what we did:

  1. Barbell front squats (Alex - 225 lbs/245 lbs/275 lbs, Tannys - 85lbs/95lbs/115lbs)
  2. Tabata - Tannys - 24kg kettlebell sumo squats, Alex - 135lbs barbell front squats
  3. Deadlifts (Alex - straight-leg - 225 lbs, Tannys - 85 lbs/95lbs/115lbs)
  4. Tabata - Alternating kettlebell deadlifts (Alex - 40 kg, Tannys - 24 kg)
  5. Double kettlebell overhead lunges (Alex - 2x24kg, Tannys - 2x12kg)
  6. Tabata - bodyweight jumping lunges
We have only recently started using double kettlebell overhead lunges in our workouts and find them to be a great strength and balance challenge, particularly when your legs are already tired from heavier lifts.  Here is a demonstration video:

This style of workout, where we combined 3 strength sets of 3 foundational exercises, plus 3 accompanying Tabata sets, was perfect for a Saturday.  It took more time, but was challenging and rewarding.  It felt good to challenge ourselves with heavier weights - particularly on the front squats and deadlifts.  We are hoping to use this same 'Hybrid' style of workout tomorrow, when we focus on upper body!

- Tannys & Alex

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