Wednesday 28 December 2011

A Christmas Gift

Hey everyone,

We managed to do four bodyweight workouts while in Winnipeg.  Our third workout there was density training, using similar bodyweight exercises as in the last blog post.  The fourth workout was eight bodyweight exercises, performed once each, for maximum reps.  Even without equipment or much time, we continued to workout, offsetting some of that dreaded holiday weight gain!

When we returned to Ottawa, we had some gifts for each other waiting under our Christmas tree - new kettlebells!  Tannys got another 12kg kettlebell, while Alex got another 24kg kettlebell - allowing both of us to have matching pairs (for double kettlebell exercises).

In our first weight workout back home today, we selected 3 foundational exercises and performed 5 sets of each.  Here's what we did:

  1. Double kettlebell front squats (Tannys - 2 x 12kg, Alex - 2 x 24kg)
  2. Double kettlebell straight leg deadlifts (Tannys - 2 x 12kg, Alex - 2 x 24kg)
  3. Wide grip pullups (Tannys - band assisted, Alex - 24kg kettlebell)
Video demonstration - double kettlebell front squats

Video demonstration - double kettlebell straight leg deadlifts

Video demonstration - wide grip pullups (with 24kg kettlebell)

Visiting family in Winnipeg was great, but we are also happy to be back home now.  This was a great workout to transition back into our weightlifting and also to use our new double kettlebells.  The front squats, in particular, were quite challenging.  We are also having lots of discussions on how to change up our training in the New Year, as well as focusing more on our nutrition.

After all the temptations and indulgences over the holidays, we are starting to tighten up our diets.  A new fitness and nutrition tool we are beginning to try is the protein smoothie.

We are mixing lots of fresh fruit (e.g. bananas, strawberries, blueberries, etc.), vanilla flavoured Greek yogurt, and milk together.  We also purchased, for the first time ever, some vanilla flavoured whey protein isolate powder.  When added to the smoothie, it delivers a good dose of protein to help us recover from our workouts and build muscle.  We'll let you know whether it's an effective tool after we have tested it out for several weeks.

We hope everyone is having a great holiday season!

- Alex & Tannys

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