Sunday 18 August 2013

Another Great Lower Body Ladder Workout!

Hey everyone,

It has been awhile since we've completed a ladder workout, so we decided to add this component into our lower body workout a few days ago.  Ladder workouts are excellent for both strength and conditioning.  If you take only very short breaks, they can be completed fairly quickly as well, giving you a great workout in a short amount of time.

For this ladder, we paired two double kettlebell exercises - the double kettlebell swing and double kettlebell squat.  Start with 10 reps of each exercise, followed by 9, 8, 7 and so on until you reach 1 rep.  We find the first 3-4 sets most difficult, but the sets start to go by more easily as your reps decrease. Take short breaks to catch your breath and ensure you keep good form.

Below is a video of Tannys completing the last 3 sets (reps 3, 2 and 1) of her ladder.  She is using 2x12kg kettlebells.

If you are in a time crunch, you can use the ladder as your entire workout, or add in a finishing exercise. To finish off our workout, we completed 10 Turkish Get Ups (TGU's) - 5 per side.  These were definitely a challenge after the ladder workout, as we were already quite fatigued.

If you're looking for a lower body challenge, give this ladder workout a try.  You will definitely be sore for a few days after this one!

-Tannys & Alex

-Tannys and Alex

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