Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Beginner Workout #2

Hey everyone,

Last week, we posted the first in a new series of beginner workouts.  These workouts require a single kettlebell.  Rather than prescribing a specific format, we are demonstrating three carefully selected exercises that target most of the muscle groups in your body.  Thus, you can adapt these exercises into whatever format suits you (e.g. circuit-training, ladder workout, etc.).  If you are short on time, you can almost always find a few minutes for at least a single set of each (almost everyone should be able to devote 5 minutes to improving their health!).

In the last workout, we focused on the kettlebell deadlift, the kettlebell goblet squat, and pushups.  In this new workout, we will also use three fundamental exercises: the kettlebell step-back lunge, the kettlebell swing, and the kettlebell row.  There are several variations for these exercises, but we are showing just a few.  Once you have mastered these variations, feel free to change it up and try more advanced variants.

As you become more comfortable doing these workouts, you can make them more challenging by performing more reps, increasing the weight (if you have a heavier kettlebell available), or by shortening the rest periods.  You can also perform a greater overall volume in the workout (i.e. more sets).  Make sure you take at least a day to recover in between these full body workouts, however.  That is a good opportunity to get out and go for a walk, try yoga, swimming, or some different form of (complementary) exercise.

- Tannys & Alex

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